Customs Union updated CoC / DoC Certification Requirements
November 15, 2016 Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Council Resolution # 154, promulgated new requirements for customs union market access.
The resolution establishes the format of the conformity certification (CoC) and the declaration of conformity (DoC), and defines the requirements for product conformity certification and declaration in the EAEC market. Relevant measures to be developed in December 22, 2016 to begin mandatory implementation.
The main changes are listed below:
(1) Applicants for conformity certification (CoC) or Declaration of Conformity (DoC) must be legal entities registered in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) region, including local producers, retailers or authorized agents. Foreign manufacturers are not allowed to apply for registration-related certification.
(2) CoC or DoC application, if there is no common customs certification standards, you must meet the CU series of applicable standards or relevant national standards.
At the same time, in the December 22, 2016 issued before the CoC or DoC expires automatically expire.